Some changes were done to improve geo-coding speed. This should allow the rate for larger datasets (over 1,000 locations) to hit close to 50 addresses per second plus a few seconds for overhead. For datasets over 5,000 locations the rate has been measured over 49.7 addresses/second. Previously the rate could vary from 25-45 addresses per second. A single address generally takes less than 1 second (Google’s goal is less than 3 seconds), so these requests run in parallel. Another improvement is a cache can be used when creating a new map (with under 1500 locations) when all the addresses have successfully been geo-coded before. This will result in the map being generated really fast. Another change was the dataset size to use the server side geo-coder has been reduced to 60 addresses.
The server side geo-coder is queue based, so if someone has a dataset of 15,000 locations and someone comes behind them a minute later, the result could be a 4 minute wait. As a result, really small address sizes (under 60) will not use the fast geo-coder in order to avoid potentially waiting a few minutes when the slow geo-coder can process them faster.
Finally, the last change was the ability to copy the description to the clipboard to paste it somewhere. This should work on iphones and ipads with IOs 10 or 11. It should not work on IOs 9 or below. It will most likely work on newer android devices as well.